Podcast - Renewable Energy: How Much Progress?
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In this episode I speak with Dr. Delisle Worrell. He is the former Governor of the Central Bank of Barbados and a current member of the Financial Policy Council of the Bermuda Monetary Authority. He first visited China in 1980. As Governor he established the Fish & Dragon festival; an annual celebration bringing Chinese culture to the Barbadian public.
We discuss:
What counts as the "Caribbean"?
How should we think about the failed British West Indies Federation?
Why did Barbados establish relations with the People's Republic of China?
Why is the Central Bank so prominent in Barbadian society?
How should we thinking of the Belt and Road Initiative within the Caribbean?
Would Sir. Arthur Lewis (Caribbean born Nobel Laureate Economist) think about China's BRI?
One China Policy and the Caribbean
Dr. Worrell
The Economic History of the Caribbean since the Napoleonic Wars by Victor Bulmer-Thomas
Handbook of Caribbean Economies (Routledge, forthcoming) edited by Robert Looney
The Theory of Economic Growth by Arthur Lewis
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